Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 1, 2010

The one who belongs to silencio

we @ the MRT station

There are somebodies that you just met for a while, but you’ll remember them for a lifetime.
She’s the one. There was not much about her that I heard before we met. The 5-day-trip to S with me was all the loneliness. I was not myself at that time and about to feel depressed. Then she came.
I’m so sure that I could never forget the night in West Coast with her for the rest of my life. It was about midnight but I couldn’t sleep. Then she said “I’ll have a walk around”. I snapped a coat of somebody in the house and followed her. We dropped into a 7Eleven shop to get 2 bottles of Jasmine tea and kept walking, w/o saying anything. Suddenly she asked if I wanted to go to the West Coast, it was just a short while walking from there. I said yes. I always love the sea. Then we went.
As we walked for a long time but I could only see a park named “West Coast”, I told her it would be painful for me if I couldn’t reach the coast tonight. I got an obsession. When I was I child, I told my baby-sitter that I wanted to see the sea. She pointed at the horizon and said okey it was there, you could reach it if you kept going. Then I went. But never could I see the sea then. So I always hate ones who lie to me about the sea.
But I wasn’t cheated. At last we reached the coast. We lay on the sea bank though she warned me that there were rats crossing here and there. I wanted to share with her something deep in my heart but then kept it for myself ‘coz we rarely knew about each other (Or I rarely knew about her). We lay there wallowing in the silent night at West Coast, said nothing but I felt completely fine with that. Dunno was right. There’re not many ones that you can share the silence with. But she’s the one. I did take a short nap at the strange coast, dreamed nothing. Then we took a cab coming back, in silence still.
I also could never forget time at the MRT stations, time on MRT, time everywhere with her, always in silence. I slept on her shoulder. She took my pictures. Sometimes we throw out some simple and irreducible words. We shared the silence the way soul-mates did, or the way strangers did. But she was there beside me sharing my loneliness during the days in S.
The day I left S there was rain. It was very early in the morning and she wanted to see me off at the airport. We sat silently on cab which was like a mute cave plunging into the encircled rain. When I said goodbye to her at the terminal, she just smiled and insisted that I had to keep her coat ‘coz it would be very cold inside the plane. When I got the customs formalities done, she was still there outside the glass door waving farewell to me.
Yes, she’s the one. W/o her, my trip would have nothing worth being remembered but unbearable loneliness.